China’s Over-Hyped Stealth Jet -- David Axe, The Diplomat
China’s first fifth-generation, J-20 fighter plane could shake up the Pacific order, writes David Axe. But it probably won’t.
It was an audacious debut, even by the dramatic standards of Chinese weapons systems. For months, Western reporters and analysts had heard rumours of photos surfacing, and quickly disappearing, on China’s heavily censored Internet of an advanced jet fighter similar in shape and dimension to the latest US and Russian designs.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
China's North Korean Calculations -- Selig S. Harrison, New York Times
Misunderstandings may prove fatal -- Yong Kwon, Asia Times
Death of a liberal in Pakistan -- Washington Post editorial
A divided Sudan will test tribal tensions -- Nicky Woolf and Joshua Craze, The Guardian
Sudan Elections: The Moment of Truth -- Bruce Riedel, The Daily Beast
Kosovo: Going Rogue? -- Andrew MacDowall, World Politics Review
The Euro Is Dead -- Charles Calomiris, Foreign Policy
Frenemies Forever: How Washington stopped worrying and learned to love Saudi Arabia, again. -- Steve Levine, Foreign Policy
Who Are the Real Hijackers of Islam? -- Jonah Goldberg, National Review
Two Very Different GOP Responses to DADT Repeal -- Alana Goodman, Commentary Magazine