Asia Plays New Role As Global Power Broker -- Irish Times
‘ASIA’S TIME has come. No one can doubt that Asia’s economic performance will continue to grow in importance.” Dominique Strauss-Kahn, managing director of the International Monetary Fund made this remark at a meeting in Daejeon, South Korea this week on the region’s economy. His pledge to increase Asian voting rights in the IMF bore it out.
So did his apology for the policy mistakes made by the IMF in handling the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98. Asian growth at 7.75 per cent will be key to avoiding a double-dip international recession, he said.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Can U.S. prepare for China's new fortune? -- Colbert I. King, Washington Post
Japan’s defl ation will only get worse -- William Pesek, Joong Ang Daily
Japan Economic Analysis: Gridlock hits the world's second largest economy. -- Justin McCurry, Global Post
Iraqi leaders and the selfish gene -- Sami Moubayed, Asia Times
Middle East peace: The deceptive promise of direct talks -- Rami G. Khouri, The Dialy Star
The Realist Prism: In Somalia and Afghanistan, It Takes a Province -- Nikolas Gvosdev, World Politics Review
India Threatened By Disions And Internal Violence - Chetan Bhagat, Times of India
Why Venezuela's Chávez Dug Up Bolívar's Bones -- Tim Padgett, Time Magazine