Time For U.S. Leadership On Syria -- Washington Post editorial
THE OBSERVERS dispatched by the U.N. Security Council to monitor an illusory “cease fire” in Syria have been reduced to adding up the bodies of massacred civilians. In Houla, a collection of impoverished villages near the city of Homs, they counted 108 after a rampage Friday by a government-backed militia. The dead included 34 women and 49 children.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Russia must cease backing Bashar -- Gulf News editorial
Russia isolating itself over support for Assad -- Rick Moran, American Thinker
Assad Won’t Be Toppled by Words -- Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary
What Egyptians didn’t vote for -- Amir Taheri, New York Post
Arabs search for stable political systems -- Rami G. Khouri, The Daily Star
How Tehran is outflanking Obama -- Michael Singh, New York Daily News
China Is No Longer Predictable -- Robert D. Kaplan, Stratfor
How China Flouts Its Laws -- Chen Guangcheng, New York Times
China's New Flexibility on Foreign Intervention -- Johan Lagerkvist, Real Clear World
Chinese Democracy Has its Benefits -- Wall Street Journal
Kenya’s Forever War -- Dayo Olopade, International Herald Tribune
Ireland: The fiscal treaty will only make things worse -- David McWilliams, Independent.ie
Spain’s Lost Generation: What Do You Do When Half Your Country’s Youth is Unemployed? -- Jonathan Blitzer, The New Republic
War crimes: Charles Taylor now, Bashar al-Assad next -- Geoffrey Robertson, The Guardian