Saving The Common Currency: German Obstructionism Heightens Euro Fears -- Charles Hawley, Spiegel Online
All eyes are on Brussels this Thursday as European leaders gather to discuss ways to solve the ongoing euro crisis. So far, though, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has proven unwilling to consider measures that may require additional German funds. Others in the EU are getting anxious.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is walking a tightrope. And on Wednesday, one day before European Union leaders gather in Brussels for consultations on the ailing common European currency, the euro, one could almost see her struggling to retain her balance.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Special Report: Is America the sick man of the globe? -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Another Korean War? -- Michael Breen, Korea Times
The split in Pakistani and American interests -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
Imagining an Iranian ICBM -- Jonathan Kay, National Post
Is the U.S. Still Funding Iranian Suicide Bombers? -- Reza Aslan, The Daily Beast
African leaders take a stand in the Ivory Coast -- Washington Post editorial
The Putin telethon -- Joshua Keating, Passport/Foreign Policy
Cartel Gunmen Buy American -- New York Times editorial
Al-Qaeda braced for a war without end -- Syed Saleem Shahzad, Asia Times
The Next Dalai Lama -- Dibyesh Anand, Outlook India
Globalisation: The redistribution of hope -- The Economist
The Islamic tsunami: Author warns that American exceptionalism is threatened -- Washington Times editorial
A tale of two Torontos -- Margaret Wente, Globe And Mail
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials On the Afghan War
Success of U.S. Afghan policy won't be clear before July -- Miami Herald/McClatchy News
Afghan war's next debate: Troop withdrawal -- Rajiv Chandrasekaran and Scott Wilson, Washington Post
Pakistan's great divide -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
Winning in Afghanistan -- Peter Mansoor and Max Boot, L.A. Times
Leading article: Division, indecision and bad luck have all dogged US policy in Afghanistan -- Independent
Obama and the Pakistan Dilemma -- Matthew Kaminski, Wall Street Journal
The Americans Are in Our House. What Will the Taliban Think? -- Alissa Rubin, New York Times
Could there be a Tet Offensive in Afghanistan? -- George Will, Washington Post