Beijing Birthday Spin Distorts Reality -- John Lee, The Australian
AS the week-long celebrations marking the 60th anniversary of the founding of modern China roll on, the message coming out of Beijing is that China's evolution into a confident, strong, just and prosperous country under the Chinese Communist Party might be gradual, but is assured.
Many Western observers agree. One is former MP for Parramatta Ross Cameron. In a Sydney Morning Herald opinion piece published yesterday, he says China under Mao Zedong's rule was terrible, but now "the Chinese people are basically happy".
Read more ....
The Next Chinese Revolution -- Daniel Lynch, Far Eastern Economic Review
What Does China's Rise Mean for the Middle East? -- Daily Star, editorial
China at 60: epic progress on all fronts but one -- The Age, editorial
No Nixon-to-China Moment Here (Iran) -- Patrick Clawson, Foreign Policy
Time for diplomacy to end the stand-off with Iran -- John Kerry, Financial Times
Putin's Iran plan -- Ralph Peters
Waltzing with Tehran -- Michael Tomasky, The Guardian
The power, and threat, of Iran -- Alastair Crooke, Los Angeles Times
Paranoia Takes Hold of Tehran -- Meir Javedanfar, Real Clear World
The home stretch (Iran) -- Ari Shavit, Haaretz
Ahmadinejad: Iran's Man of Mystery -- Joe Klein, Time
The forces that assure Iraq's demise -- Michael Bell, Globe And Mail
Pakistan Readies Assault on Waziristan -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
If Afghanistan is its test, NATO is failing -- John Feffer, Asia Times
War in South Ossetia: Georgia started it -- The Guardian editorial