U.S. Army Cpt. Gordon Richmond provides security while on patrol during Task Force Blue Geronimo in Taghawarq village in Afghanistan's Khost province, April 14, 2012. Gordon is assigned to Company B, 1st Battalion, Airborne, 501st Infantry Regiment. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Amber Leach
Declare Victory And Get Out Of Afghanistan, Already -- Jeffrey Simpson, Globe and Mail
At the height of the Vietnam War, with U.S. casualties mounting and military progress limited, Lyndon Johnson called an old Senate colleague, George Aiken. The president asked his friend, who had been in the Senate since 1941, what he should do about Vietnam. Claim victory and get out, Mr. Aiken said. Mr. Johnson did not heed his friend’s advice.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Insurmountable Obstacles in Afghanistan -- James Joyner, National Interest
Should U.S. call for Assad to go? Republicans can’t decide -- Josh Rogin, Foreign Policy
While Syria burns -- Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post
Iran Using Spin to Divide and Conquer -- Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary
Lieberman’s right: A rupture with Egypt would be a disaster -- Chemi Shalev, Haaretz
Egypt’s voters still face real choices -- Amir Taheri, New York Post
Meet the Islamist Political Fixer Who Could Be Egypt’s Next President -- Eric Trager, The New Republic
Could North Korea test "uranium bomb" for first time? -- Fredrik Dahl, Swiss Info
What are North Koreans Doing in Iran? -- Michael Rubin, Commentary
China's Watergate -- The National Editorial
Greece did not cause the euro crisis -- Costas Simitis and Yannis Stournaras, The Guardian
Obama’s weak spots on counterterrorism are open to Romney -- Jack Goldsmith, Washington Post
Two Uighurs get a fresh start in El Salvador -- Washington post editorial
Why wave of Mexican immigration stopped -- Jeffrey S. Passel and D'Vera Cohn, CNN
Decline or Decadence? America is suffering from a lack of mastery over its own riches. -- Victor Davis Hanson, NRO