What To Do When North Korea Goes South -- Andrei Lankov, Bloombnerg
From time to time, newspapers shower readers with predictions of a looming mass starvation in North Korea, usually in springtime. In March 2011, the New York Times wrote: “North Korea: 6 Million Are Hungry.” One year earlier, in March 2010, the Times of London warned: “Catastrophe in North Korea; China must pressure Pyongyang to allow food aid to millions threatened by famine.” In March 2009, a Washington Post headline read: “At the Heart of North Korea’s Troubles, an Intractable Hunger Crisis.”
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Missile launch is North Korea's exit strategy, analysts say -- Tracy Connor, NBC
Kim’s dangerous game -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
Pretending to know about North Korea -- Alex Pareene, Salon
Backing Assad Is Not an Option -- Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary
So Much for Diplomacy; Iran Doubles Down on Nuclear Work -- Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary
Idle America makes for Mideast mess -- Benny Avni, New York Post
Choking on China: The Superpower That Is Poisoning the World -- Thomas N. Thompson, Foreign Affairs
Germans are losing patience with being cast as the euro zone’s scapegoats -- The Economist
Presidents are breaking the U.S. Foreign Service -- Susan R. Johnson, Ronald E. Neumann and Thomas R. Pickering, Washington Post
Five scenarios for Venezuela — most of them bad -- Andres Oppenheimer, Miami Herald
In Hugo Chávez’s Heartland, the Dead President Rules Supreme -- Girish Gupta, Time
Tell the Truth About the Arms Treaty -- Rachel Stohl, New York Times