Haiti And The US: Damned If They Do . . . -- The Telegraph, Editorial
Knee-jerk anti-Americanism is as predictable as it is depressing.
President Obama's ambition to improve the global image of the United States has some way to go if the response to America's aid operation in Haiti is anything to go by. Washington acted quickly and decisively within hours of the earthquake, mobilising its armed forces on a scale that no country in the world can match. "We have to be there for them in their hour of need," the President said.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Stunning, Stubborn National-Security Incompetence -- Andy McCarthy, National Review
Get smart, please: The national security leadership is scoring low on intelligence -- New York Daily News
Pentagon on Fort Hood: Jihad? What Jihad? -- Robert Spencer, Human Events
Lawmakers to Holder: Who decided to give Miranda rights to accused Detroit bomber? -- Byron York, Washington Examiner
Sanctions On Iran Are Just A Gas -- IBD Editorials
Is Israel’s Safety No Longer a Western Interest? -- Evelyn Gordon, Commentary Magazine
A New Japan, a New Asia -- G. John Ikenberry & Charles Kupchan, NY Times
Russia: The Modernization Trap -- Boris Kagarlitsky, Moscow Times
President Obama: Year one: damned if he doesn’t... -- Mahir Ali, Dawn
Obama's Year of Crises: Mr. Change Needs a Reboot --An Editorial by Gregor Peter Schmitz, Spiegel Online
He's Done Everything Wrong -- Mort Zuckerman, The Daily Beast
Unfunded Benefits Dig States’ $3 Trillion Hole -- Orin S. Kramer, Bloomberg
The Politics of Hubris: A bridge too far. Bought his own press. Choose your own metaphor: Obama overreached. -- Michael Hirsh, Newsweek