The Libyan Resistance Has Foundered On Its Own Indiscipline And Farcical Ineptitude -- Kim Sengipta, The Independent
The pervading feature of the conflict in Libya has been the ineptitude of the main rebel force. Time and again they have failed to take advantage of weaknesses among Muammar Gaddafi's troops and, just as frequently, they have fled in the face of fire.
The most glaring example was the opportunity offered by the air strikes carried out by the West which destroyed the regime's tanks and artillery outside Benghazi and forced its soldiers into a terrified retreat to the next city, Ajdabiya.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
The Coming Shia War -- Hossein Askari, The National Interest
Iran and Saudi Arabia cold war has entered a new era -- Meir Javedanfar, The Guardian
Unrest in Jordan -- Don Duncan, Le Monde Diplomatique
Obama squanders America’s legacy -- Charles Hurt, Washington Times
World Bank: China can grow at 8% for 20 years -- Joshua Keating, Foreign Policy
North Korea: Qaddafi should have kept his nuke program -- Joshua Keating, Foreign Policy
Worst and best case scenarios for Yemen -- Sheila Carapico, Foreign Policy
The world economy: From tsunamis to Typhoons -- The Economist
No Spring in Palestine -- Aaron David Miller, Foreign Policy
Analysis: Surge in violence "arose from Hamas internal row" -- Reuters
Bombing in Jerusalem: Fear of escalation -- The Economist
On Taliban talks and driving out al Qaeda -- Reuters
Afghanistan: Go Away, Leave The Money -- Strategy Page
Beginning of the End in Afghanistan -- Robert Dreyfus, The Diplomat
How to end the war in Afghanistan? -- Matthieu Aikins, Foreign Policy
Ivory Coast risks becoming 'forgotten humanitarian disaster' -- The Telegraph
No easy solutions to Ivory Coast crisis -- Robyn Curnow, CNN
Ivory Coast wonders: Where's our UN intervention? -- Christian Science Monitor
The threat to Africa’s fledgling democracy -- Kofi Annan, Financial Times
Will the world prevent Ivory Coast war? -- Andrew Harding, BBC
Syria unrest: Profile of Deraa and Hawran region -- BBC
Syria: Next on the list? -- The Economist
Syria Showdown? The Assad regime faces a new Arab uprising. -- Michael Young, Slate
Hugs From Libyans -- Nicholas D. Kristof, New York Times
White House: Libya fight is not war, it's 'kinetic military action' -- Byron York, Washington Examiner
Analysis: Libya mission is clouded by confusion -- Tom Raum, AP
Why Qaddafi Has To Go -- Andrew Solomon, New Yorker
What’s the strategy in Libya? -- Stephen Stromberg, Washington Post
Unanswered questions about Libya -- Glenn Thrush, Yahoo News/Politico
Obama helps U.S. interests In Libya -- Lawrence Korb, Politico
It depends what you mean by "succeed" -- The Economist
The only thing worse than going to war is losing -- Aluf Benn, Haaretz
Libya: A U.S. War by Any Other Name? -- David Paul Kuhn, Real Clear World
Why Libya and Not Darfur, Yemen, Iran or Syria? -- David Harsanyi, Real Clear World
Libya intervention: US cannot afford to 'go in search of monsters to destroy' -- Ryan James Girdusky, Christian Science Monitor
What Would a Victory In Libya Look Like? -- Christian Whiton, FOX News