To Help Haiti, End Foreign Aid -- Bret Stephens
For Haitians, just about every conceivable aid scheme beyond immediate humanitarian relief will lead to more poverty, more corruption and less institutional capacity.
It's been a week since Port-au-Prince was destroyed by an earthquake. In the days ahead, Haitians will undergo another trauma as rescue efforts struggle, and often fail, to keep pace with unfolding emergencies. After that—and most disastrously of all—will be the arrival of the soldiers of do-goodness, each with his brilliant plan to save Haitians from themselves.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Terrorists will strike America again -- Gregory F. Treverton
When Terrorists Have a Falling Out -- Lona Manning, American Thinker
Call to Keep Certain Countries from Getting Terrorism Suspects is Too Broad -- Washington Post
The Body Scanner Scam -- Edward Luttwak, Wall Street Journal
The Taliban's Deadly Plan -- Reihan Salam, The Daily Beast
The Iraqi DeBaath Fiasco Continues -- Marc Lynch, Foreign Policy
The High Cost of Doing Business in China -- Marcel Rosenbach, Thomas Schulz and Wieland Wagner, Spiegel Online
Military spending — for what? -- Doug Bandow, Japan Times
Japan's Election Puts World at Risk? -- Todd Crowell, Real Clear World