Russia Peers Into Kyrgyz Void -- M K Bhadrakumar, Asia Times
Eighteen is a difficult age to own decisions or assume responsibility - especially concerning the fortunes of wayward younger siblings. By a curious coincidence, Russia has been tasked with taking a monumental decision of assuming responsibility on the 18th anniversary of Kyrgyzstan's national day when on Saturday the Kremlin received a formal communication from the president of the interim government, Roza Otunbayeva.
By Otunbayeva's own description, "We need the arrival of outside forces to calm the situation down. The situation in Osh [in southern Kyrgyzstan] is out of control. Attempts to establish dialogue have failed, and the fighting and rioting continues. We have appealed to Russia for help and are waiting for news. We hope that adequate measures will be taken in the earliest possible timeframe."
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Is Lithium the Answer to Afghanistan’s Problems? -- Time Magazine
Afghanistan's glorious future -- Michael Tomasky, The Guardian opinion
Could $1 Trillion in Undiscovered Mineral Deposits Change Tide in War? -- Vanity Fair
A surge of problems in Afghanistan -- Jackson Diehl, Washington Post opinion
McChrystal faces 'Iraq' moment -- Gareth Porter, Asia Times opinion
Taking Stock in Afghanistan -- New York Times editorial
One Myth, Many Pakistans -- Ali Sethi, New York Times
U.S. in a foreign policy corner on Iran -- Doyle McManus, L.A. Times
Tensions rise over access to the Nile River -- Tristan McConnell, Global Post
Asia Confronts Drug Problem -- Richard Weitz, The Diplomat
Japan-U.S. relations cry out for new management, dialogue -- Kazuo Ogoura, Japan Times
Stop the Anti-British Rhetoric, Obama -- Andrew Neil, The Daily Beast