U.S. Army Pfc. Ryan Loew, left, provides security while U.S. Army Pfc. Luis Barral engages enemy forces outside Combat Outpost Charkh in Afghanistan's Logar province, Aug. 23, 2012. Leow and Barral are assigned to Company L, 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Alexandra Campo
Afghanistan—The 'Who Cares?' War -- Max Boot, Wall Street Journal
Public apathy isn't necessarily fatal for the war effort. It could even provide the opportunity to finally get it 'right.'
In 2006, the Washington Post's Rajiv Chandrasekaran published a 336-page indictment of the Iraq war, "Imperial Life in the Emerald City." According to Nielsen BookScan, it sold more than 120,000 copies in hardcover and paperback. Two months ago, he published a 368-page indictment of the Afghanistan war, "Little America." It has since sold roughly 5,000 copies in hardcover.
So little attention is the public paying that even attacks by best-selling authors on the current conflict are dismissed with a collective shrug.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Syria: A Refugee Disaster in the Making -- New York Times editorial
Can Hezbollah Survive the Fall of Assad? -- Hanin Ghaddar, New York Times
Why no safe zone in Syria, yet? 5 complications -- Ariel Zirulnick, Christian Science Monitor
Obama’s Callow, Cruel Reaction to Syrian Massacres -- Fouad Ajami, Bloomberg
Palestinians Face Own Diplomatic Tsunami -- Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary
Commentary: It is unwise for U.S. to contain China -- Wu Liming, Xinhuanet
US strategy: between the ‘pivot’ and ‘Air-Sea Battle’ -- Stephan Frühling, East Asia Forum
China's growth is still sustainable -- Stephen Grenville, The Interpreter
Can India Revive Nonalignment? -- Ashley Tellis, Real Clear World
Why the Euro Will Survive -- C. Fred Bergsten, Foreign Affairs
Hope in the Euro Zone: Crisis-Hit Countries May Have Turned the Corner -- Spiegel Online