A Skeptic's Guide to Copenhagen -- Tunku Varadarajan, The Daily Beast
As the global summit on climate change gets under way in Copenhagen, Tunku Varadarajan offers an eyebrow-raising A-Z guide to the proceedings.
Very nearly a hundred years ago, Ambrose Bierce compiled A Devil's Dictionary, in which he sought to puncture the cultural cant of his time. Here is an attempt—at much shorter length—to prick a very contemporary kind of cant, that which has swollen the debate on climate change to ungovernable proportions.
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More Commentaries And Opinions
Copenhagen Must Be a Turning Point -- PM Gordon Brown, The Guardian
Copenhagen Talks Not Just About Energy -- John Seager, Real Clear World
Who Loses the Iran Game -- David Ignatius, Washington Post opinion.
Thailand's Muslim separatists wage a much-ignored war -- Duncan McCargo, Daily Star
Al Qaeda's and a Decade of Terror -- Michael Burleigh, Daily Telegraph
The Colombian Miracle -- Max Boot, Weekly Standard
Uribe's Constitutional Challenge -- Mary Anastasia O'Grady, Wall Street Journal
Obama, the Anti-Churchill? -- Fareed Zakaria, Washington Post
How America's commitment to democratic values is waning in the age of Obama. -- Jerry Rubin, Newsweek
Commentaries And Analysis On Afghanistan
Mission impossible -- Oliver North, Washington Times
Afghanistan: John McCain says Barack Obama's 2011 departure date threatening war effort -- The Telegraph
Petraeus: Afghanistan war surge won't have quick results -- USA Today
How to Win in Afghanistan, One Village at a Time -- Doug Stanton, Washington Post
Obama's COIN Toss -- Eliot A. Cohen, Washington Post
Obama's Afghan exit plan transitions to 'transition' -- L.A. Times
Five Flawed Assumptions of Obama's Afghan Surge -- Time Magazine
Is Afghanistan really a 'graveyard of empires?' -- CNN
In Afghan Troop Surge, Shades of Iraq -- Fred Hiatt, Washington Post
President Obama’s dangerous Afghan gamble -- Hillary Mann Leverett, Politico
Who's in charge -- generals or President Obama? -- Politico