Syria: Has the Regime Turned a Corner Against the Protests? -- Faris Amato, Time
As bright spring days gradually turn hot and muggy, the consensus in Damascus is that the protest movement has been badly burnt. The activist Facebook group Syrian Revolution 2011 put out an order for a general strike across Syria on Wednesday calling for "mass protests" and the closure of all schools, universities, shops and restaurants, "not even taxis." But there was no apparent strike on Wednesday morning in central Damascus.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
President Obama and the Arab Spring -- New York Times editorial
Britain used to win the wars it fought – so what happened in Libya? -- Con Coughlin, The Telegraph
Was killing Osama Bin laden a mistake? -- Omar Ashour, Japan Times
Adios, Pakistan -- Victor Davis Hanson, NRO
Central American Peril -- Chris Lewin, American Thinker
Beaucoup B.S.: The DSK case and the silly stereotypes about American and European morals. -- Christopher Hitchens, Slate
At the IMF, new logic for a new order -- Harold James, Globe And Mail
China's Bold New Plan for Economic Domination -- David Abraham & Meredith Ludlow, The Atlantic
Europe's Next Leaders -- Barbara Martinez, Mildrade Cherfils & David Wroe, Real Clear World/Global Post
Michel Martelly brings hope to Haiti -- Washington Post editorial
U.S. Weapons in Cartel Hands? Blame Uncle Sam -- Pajamas media