Syrian Massacre, Obama Paralysis -- Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post
The Post reports: “The U.N. Security Council on Sunday blamed the Syrian government for most of the deaths in a massacre of 116 civilians in the village of Houla, issuing a unanimous statement condemning the killings that was supported by Syria’s staunch allies Russia and China. The killings on Friday, which included at least 32 children, represented one of the bloodiest single incidents yet in the 14-month-old uprising against President Bashar al-Assad’s rule and have served to highlight the failure of a U.N. monitoring mission to halt the violence, which appears to be steadily rising again.” Is there anyone who believes another empty condemnation will mean anything to Bashar al-Assad?
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Syria: 'Why is the world not doing anything to help us?' -- Donatella Rovera, Al Jazeera
Why Talks with Iran Haven’t Worked -- Jamsheed K. Choksy, The Diplomat
Despite endgame fears, no need to rush Iran nuclear talks -- PJ Crowley, BBC
Whither Egypt? -- Jerusalem post editorial
The Facebook Caliphate: Liberal democracy cannot be tweeted. -- Mark Steyn, NRO
Are We Headed for a Fight with China? -- Steve Chapman, Real Clear Politics
Europe's biggest fear: A bank run they cannot stop -- The Economist
Breaking from the U.K.: Is an Independent Scotland Feasible? -- Sonia van Gilder Cooke, Time
France’s Broken Dream -- Martin Feldstein, Project Syndicate
Cuba’s oil dreams yet to materialize -- Fuel Fix/AP
Lies, damned lies and Cuban ‘diplomacy’ -- Miami Herald editorial
America Plods Forward, Much of the World Slows -- Irwin M. Stelzer, Weekly Standard