Are The Taliban Negotiating While Winning? -- Ivan Eland,
Although David Petraeus, the top American commander in Afghanistan, recently peddled the notion that senior Taliban chieftains had made contact with senior Afghan government officials about the possibility of starting reconciliation talks, such talk of peace in our time is likely to be hype.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Afghan Talks May be Under Way, but Peace Isn't at Hand -- Time Magazine
The Afghan War is Becoming the Pakistan War -- Max Fischer, The Atlantic
The White House's report on Af-Pak: Hold the optimism -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
Think Again: The Afghan Surge: Ignore the hype: There's no panacea for the deteriorating
U.S.-led war effort in Afghanistan. -- Gilles Doronsoro, Foreign Policy
Is Afghanistan worth winning? -- Christopher Duquette, The Washington Times
Afghan Talks May be Under Way, but Peace Isn't at Hand -- Time Magazine
Our ally, Pakistan: The alliance with Islamabad is unreliable at best -- Washington Times editorial
Strategic stasis: Pakistan will never help the U.S. -- Cyril Almeida, DAWN
More likely to be India's century than China's? -- Charles P.M. Barnett
Trouble in Fishing Waters: China’s military provocations. -- Gordon G. Chang, Weekly Standard
How Europe puts America at risk -- Stewart Baker, Washington Post
The state-secrets defense: A privilege too far gone -- Laura K. Donohue, Washington Post
Militarized Internet will trample freedom -- Jason Ditz, Washington Times
A year on, the smug mood at the IMF turns sour -- Jeremy Warner, The Telegraph