Praise Allah And Pass The Ammunition: America's Liberals Are Happily Arming Osama Bin Laden -- Matt Patterson
The extent to which the enemies of America abroad ape the anti-Western rhetoric of Western intelligentsia never ceases to amaze. The latest example features none other than Osama bin Laden, who in a recently released Internet recording lamented the massive flooding in Pakistan, for which he blamed - wait for it - climate change.
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World Citizen: Arabs States Building Arsenal for War With Iran -- Frida Ghitis, World Politics Review
A New Plan for Afghanistan: Less counterinsurgency, more killing and capturing. -- Fred Kaplan, Slate
China's Peaceful Rise? -- Dan Twining, Real Clear World
Islam and the West: There need not be a basic conflict — but we should resist their aggressions. -- Conrad Black, National Review
In Kyrgyzstan, notably, an election result not known in advance -- Washington Post
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
World Citizen: Arabs States Building Arsenal for War With Iran -- Frida Ghitis, World Politics Review
A New Plan for Afghanistan: Less counterinsurgency, more killing and capturing. -- Fred Kaplan, Slate
China's Peaceful Rise? -- Dan Twining, Real Clear World
Islam and the West: There need not be a basic conflict — but we should resist their aggressions. -- Conrad Black, National Review
In Kyrgyzstan, notably, an election result not known in advance -- Washington Post
World Citizen: Arabs States Building Arsenal for War With Iran -- Frida Ghitis, World Politics Review
A New Plan for Afghanistan: Less counterinsurgency, more killing and capturing. -- Fred Kaplan, Slate
China's Peaceful Rise? -- Dan Twining, Real Clear World
Islam and the West: There need not be a basic conflict — but we should resist their aggressions. -- Conrad Black, National Review
In Kyrgyzstan, notably, an election result not known in advance -- Washington Post editorial
Jihad in Bulgaria - Again -- Andrew G. Bostom, American Thinker
'The Aim Is to Make Israel a Pariah' -- Rupert Murdoch, Commentary Magazine
Dithering on ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ -- New York Times editorial
China Bullies Japan With Rare Earths -- Michael Auslin, Real Clear World
A New Plan for Afghanistan: Less counterinsurgency, more killing and capturing. -- Fred Kaplan, Slate
China's Peaceful Rise? -- Dan Twining, Real Clear World
Islam and the West: There need not be a basic conflict — but we should resist their aggressions. -- Conrad Black, National Review
In Kyrgyzstan, notably, an election result not known in advance -- Washington Post editorial
Jihad in Bulgaria - Again -- Andrew G. Bostom, American Thinker
'The Aim Is to Make Israel a Pariah' -- Rupert Murdoch, Commentary Magazine
Dithering on ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ -- New York Times editorial
China Bullies Japan With Rare Earths -- Michael Auslin, Real Clear World