The New Interventionism -- Fred Kaplan, Slate
How Obama is changing the way the United States wages war.
The future face of American warfare is very likely on display now in Africa. Libya, the coast off Somalia, and now the borderlands of Uganda—it’s a fair bet that these theaters of conflict, far more than Iraq or Afghanistan, foretell the shape of our military adventures. What this suggests is a return to the “advise and assist” missions of the Cold War, with international terrorists (or, on occasion, particularly hideous thugs) replacing international Communism as the predominant threat.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Turkey balances carrot and stick after PKK attack -- National Editorial
Turkey And Iran: The End Of The Affair -- Dorian Jones, Radio Free Europe
Iran's permanent revolutionary quest -- Dr. Joseph A. Kechichian, Gulf News
The Israeli-Palestinian prisoner swap offers little new hope for peace -- Washington Post editorial
Bahrain to U.S.: Stand up to Iran -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
The wrong way to fight terrorism -- Salam Al-Marayati, Los Angeles Times
Stopping terror plots will require more than luck -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
The killing of Awlaki’s 16-year-old son -- Glenn Greenwald, Slate
As Poland shines, Ukraine sinks. Yet both their trajectories can be changed -- Timothy Garton Ash, The Guardian
Obama's Ugandan Adventure -- Timothy Spangler, Real Clear World
As Greece faces default, where is Europe's firewall? -- Desmond Lachman, CNN
Britain can’t save Europe, but we might still save ourselves -- Jeremy Warner, The Telegraph
The free market in danger -- Ross Clark, Spectator