Inside the Syrian Missile Crisis -- Andrew Tabler, Foreign Policy
News that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has provided Hezbollah with Scud missiles threatens to spark a regional conflict and poses a new challenge for President Obama's engagement policy.
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak sent officials in Damascus and Washington scrambling when he claimed Tuesday that Syria is providing the Lebanese Shiite militia Hezbollah with Scud missiles whose accuracy and range threaten more Israeli cities than ever before. His unexpected announcement, though vehemently denied by the Syrian regime, threatens to spark a new war between Israel and its antagonists in the region while further undermining U.S. President Barack Obama's efforts at engagement with Syria.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
The dumbest country in the Middle East -- Blake Hounshell, Foreign Policy
Syria seeks a military return to Lebanon -- Michael Young, Daily Star
After The Nuclear Summit -- New York editorial
As Withdrawal Symptoms Rise (U.S., Afghanistan, India) -- Gautam Adhikari, Times of India
The K.S.M. Files -- New York Times editorial
GOP vs. Obama: Have Republicans won on national security? -- Byron York, Washington Examiner
Russia And Kyrgyzstan: A Perfect Social Storm -- Boris Kagarlitsky, Moscow Times
Greece's debt: the horror story has only one ending -- Edmund Conway, The Telegraph
A life worth living: Japan’s elderly seek quality of life as they rejoin the work force -- Dante Ramos, Boston Globe/AP