Why Iran Unrest Is Not Revolution Re-Run -- Samira J. Simone, CNN
(CNN) -- As the 31st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution approaches this week, with the promise of mass protests from Iran's growing opposition movement, it's tempting to compare the upheaval with unrest that ultimately toppled the shah of Iran.
A coalition of Iranian reformist groups is urging opponents of the regime to stage nonviolent protests this week, serving as a show of force for citizens who oppose the government's stiff crackdown on those who protested Iran's disputed election last June.
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Protesters are key to halting nuclear designs -- Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, Washington Times
How Washington Can Really Help the Greens in Tehran -- Nader & Parsi, Foreign Policy
Gentle diplomacy with Iran will not work -- Jeff Jacoby, Boston.com
Concluding the sanctions comedy -- Louis Rene Beres, Washington Times
Listen to the Iranian People -- Robert Wright, New York Times
Time’s Up (Iran) -- New York Times editorial
Victory Over Terrorism — How Quaint an Idea! -- Victor Davis Hanson, National Review
U.S. media and politicians catch irrational China hysteria -- Nina Hachigian, World Focus
South Korea has the stronger summit hand over North Korea -- Kim Jin, JoongAng Daily
National Security Team Fails to Inspire Confidence -- USA Today editorial