Has Afghanistan Aid 'Failed'? -- Sydney J. Freedberg Jr., National Journal
An article in the latest issue of the Army War College's official journal, Parameters, fires a shot across the bow of the current U.S. strategy in Afghanistan with its call for "Counterinsurgency 3.0." Authors James Gavrilis, a retired lieutenant colonel, and Peter Charles Coharis, an international consultant, bluntly state that "massive international development assistance" to Afghanistan -- over $225 billion from the U.S. alone since 9/11 -- has "failed" to win hearts and minds because "policy-makers have incorrectly assumed that international development aid is inherently beneficial... and invariably leads to a grateful populace." Instead, the article argues, "aid is inherently disruptive and potentially destabilizing, and development does not necessarily translate into pro-American or pro-Afghan government sentiments."
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Gaza’s waves will crash on Turkey’s shore -- David Aaronovitch, Times Online
A Botched Raid, a Vital Embargo -- Daniel Gordis, New York Times
Saving Israel From Itself -- Nicholas Kristof, New York Times
Israel As Strategic Liability -- Anthony Cordesman, Real Clear World
The Cheonan sinking ... and Korea rising -- Peter Lee, Asia Times
India should learn from Phillipine's Huk rebellion -- Ramon Magsaysay, Rediff News
U.S. drone strikes come under U.N. fire -- Eli Lake, Washington Times
If Europe's economy goes down, it's taking America's with it. -- Daniel McDowell, Foreign Policy