We Are Witnessing the Collapse of the Middle East -- James Simpson, American Thinker
If Egypt should fall, it will mark the beginning of the end for what little remaining stability there is in the Middle East. Jordan is facing similar unrest, as are Algeria and Yemen. Lebanon and Tunisia fell in January. It is highly unlikely that these events are unrelated. A combination of leftist and Islamist forces provoked the protests, and we are likely looking at a ring of radical Islamic states rising up to surround Israel. Once their power is solidified, perhaps in a year or two, they will combine forces to attack Israel. If Israel falls, the United States will stand alone in a sea of virulent enemies and impotent allies.
So whom does Obama support, Mubarak or his enemies?
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
The next Mideast war: Obama policies are pushing volatile region to the brink -- Washington Times editorial
The Arab revolution and Western decline -- Ari Shavit, Haaretz
US and Israeli Analysts Split Over the Egyptian Crisis -- Mladen Andrijasevic, American Thinker
The Mediterranean between sunny skies and clouds of pessimism -- Joschka Fischer, The Daily Star
Egypt and Tunisia: Toward the African Revolution? -- Michelle Sieff, World Politics Review
The Tunisian Revolution Is Looking Like a Success -- Jerry Sorkin, National Review
Why the Arab Democracy Wave is Unlikely to Reach Syria — Yet -- Andrew Lee Butters, Time Magazine
After gridlock, Haiti steps forward -- Washington Post editorial
How the Egyptian revolt will recast the Middle East -- Peter Grier, Christian Science Monitor
Madrid Is Saving to Save the Euro, But Will It Be Enough? -- Anne Seith and Helene Zuber, Spiegel Online
If we're lucky, we'll only be 10 per cent poorer -- Jeremy Warner, The Telegraph
Commentaries, Opinions, Editorials, And Analysis On Egypt
Finger-pointing begins on Egypt -- Glenn Thrush & Josh Gerstein, Politico
Can Mubarak pull off a Tiananmen Square? -- Tim Collard, The Telegraph
Egypt unrest has Russia worried -- Tom Balmforth, Moscow News
Engaging the Islamists -- Shadi Hamid, National Interest
Judgment Days -- David Remnick, New Yorker
Get Ready for the Muslim Brotherhood -- Ayaan Hirsi Ali, New York Times
Inside the square: resolve and revolution -- Griff Witte, Washington Post
Military Will Determine Fate of Mubarak's Exit Plan -- Tony Karon, Time Magazine
Hosni Mubarak: What now for Egypt? -- Ian Black, The Guardian
Mubarak must leave to save Egypt -- Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Washington Post
Egypt’s Agonies -- New York Times editorial
Have Egypt's rulers thought about the isolation that awaits them? -- Robert Kagan, Washington Post
Toward a soft landing in Egypt -- Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post