The American Awakening In Afghanistan -- Dexter Filkin, The New Republic
With the war in Afghanistan hanging in the balance, it is useful, if a little sad, to recall just how complete the American-led victory was in the autumn of 2001. By December, the Taliban had vanished from Kabul, Kandahar, and much of the countryside. Afghans celebrated by flinging their turbans and dancing in the streets. They dug up TV sets, wrapped in plastic, from hiding places in their gardens. In Mullah Omar’s hometown of Sangesar, the locals broke into his madrassa and tore out the door frames for firewood. Among ordinary Afghans, there was a genuine sense of deliverance. The world, which had abandoned them more than a decade before, was coming back.
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Getting close to the Afghans -- Mark Moyar, Washington Times
In Pakistan we are fighting for our lives -- Asif Ali Zardari (President Of Pakistan, The Guardian
March elections are another step toward normality in Iraq -- Ad Melkert, Washington Post
Iran's New World Order -- Jamsheed K. Choksy, Wall Street Journal
Winners and Losers in Iraq's Upcoming Election -- Thomas P.M. Barnett, World Politics Review
EU and Terrorist Finance Tracking Program -- Washington Post editorial
Bashing Turkey's Army -- Asli Aydintasbas, New York Times
Military on Trial in Turkey -- Los Angeles Times editorial
Report details violence and lost freedoms in Venezuela -- Washington Post editorial
Greeks bash a gift horse in the mouth -- Matt Gurney, National Post
America, the Fragile Empire -- Niall Ferguson, Los Angeles Times
The U.S. is at a crucial point in defining its direction -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
The Return of Agrarian Society? -- Francis Cianfrocca, New Ledger