Europe's Great Shift to the Right -- Jonathon Gatehouse, Maclean's
Obama, Russia and the Reset Button -- Gary Schmitt, Weekly Standard
Obama Is Just Like Bush, the First -- Michael Gerson, The Australian
Is There An Oil Story Behind the Iranian Elections? -- John Tamny, Real Clear Markets
Is the War in Afghanistan Worth It? -- Stephen Biddle, American Interest
Kim's Defiance Raising the Stakes -- Michael Richardson, Japan Times
Ghosts of Appeasement Haunt Europe -- Vaclev Havel, RealClearWorld
Is There An Oil Story Behind the Iranian Elections? -- John Tamny, Real Clear Markets
Is the War in Afghanistan Worth It? -- Stephen Biddle, American Interest
Kim's Defiance Raising the Stakes -- Michael Richardson, Japan Times
Ghosts of Appeasement Haunt Europe -- Vaclev Havel, RealClearWorld
Is the War in Afghanistan Worth It? -- Stephen Biddle, American Interest
Kim's Defiance Raising the Stakes -- Michael Richardson, Japan Times
Ghosts of Appeasement Haunt Europe -- Vaclev Havel, RealClearWorld
What Next For Hezbollah in Lebanon? -- Nicholas Blanford, Daily Star
Strong Palestinian Authority Needed for Peace -- Jonas Store, CS Monitor
Confronting the Danger in Yemen -- The National editorial
Kim's Defiance Raising the Stakes -- Michael Richardson, Japan Times
Ghosts of Appeasement Haunt Europe -- Vaclev Havel, RealClearWorld
What Next For Hezbollah in Lebanon? -- Nicholas Blanford, Daily Star
Strong Palestinian Authority Needed for Peace -- Jonas Store, CS Monitor
Confronting the Danger in Yemen -- The National editorial