Iran's Cunning Power Play: They Will Get A Nuke Not With A Bang, But With A Whimper -- Robert Baer, New York Daily News
The Obama administration is finally coming around to the alarming conclusion it has no idea what to do about Iran's nuclear bomb. The admission comes in the guise of a just-revealed top-secret memorandum sent by Defense Secretary Robert Gates to the White House in January, which, according to press leaks, made the case that the U.S. possesses no long-term, effective policy to stop Iran from building a nuclear bomb. Although a lot of people arrived at the same conclusion a long time ago, it's the first time it has been given an official imprimatur at this high of a level.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Get ready to live with nuclear Iran -- H.D.S. Greenway, Boston.com
Setting the trap on Iran -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
The astonishing reach of the Iranian military -- Rick Moran, American Thinker
Farewell to Korengal -- Sebastian Junger, New York Times
How’s That Appeasement Working Out? -- James Traub, Foreign Policy
American Jihad -- Bruce Hoffman, National Interest
In Mexico's Ciudad Juárez, murder is a way of life -- Tim Johnson, Miami Herald/McClatchy
Japanese Lose Faith in DPJ Leadership -- Tobias Harris, Real Clear World/The Australian
Life after Eyjafjallajokull -- George Jonas, National Post