Talking To The Enemy -- Wall Street Journal Opinion
We should know better than to talk to the Irans and North Koreas of the world.
It is the declared policy of the Obama administration that the United States should talk to enemies as well as friends. So why not talk to al Qaeda?
It's not as if al Qaeda isn't willing to deal. "Whether America escalates or de-escalates this conflict, we will reply in kind," Osama bin Laden said in 2002. Bin Laden renewed his offer in 2006, and his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri made it again in a videotaped message released earlier this month: "The mujahadeen have opened the door for the West to turn a new leaf," he said. "But the [Westerners] insist on relations that are based on oppressing us."
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As Afghanistan Votes, Will the Taliban Win? -- New York Times opinions
Threat of Violence Overshadows Afghan Elections -- Christian Neef, Der Spiegel
Fair and Free in Afghanistan? Dream On -- Corey Levine, Globe and Mail
Karzai, the Pashtuns and the Taliban -- Robert Dreyfuss, The Nation
Karzai Betrays Afghan Women -- Rachel Reid, Washington Post
Vital Steps to Rebuilding Afghanistan -- David Miliband, Daily Telegraph
Egypt's Essential Role -- Abdelmonem Said, Washington Post opinion
Mr. Mubarak's Return -- Washington Post editorial
Egypt's Next Strongman -- Issandr Amrani, Foreign Policy
Obama and the Military -- Max Boot, Commentary Magazine
Talking to America's Enemies -- Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal
The Climate and National Security -- New York Times editorial
For Afghan Women, Rights Again at Risk -- Rachel Reid, Washington Post opinion
For the Left, war without Bush is not war at all -- Byron York, SF Examiner
Weighing the nuclear option -- Japan Times