For Greece’s Economy, Geography Was Destiny -- Robert Kaplan, New York Times
THE debt crisis that caused Greece to ask for an international bailout on Friday has been attributed to many things, all economic: Greece’s budget deficits, its lack of transparency and its over-the-top corruption, symbolized by the words “fakelaki,” for envelopes containing bribes, and “rousfeti,” political favors. But there is a deeper cause for the Greek crisis that no one dares mention because it implies an acceptance of fate: geography.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
The World Upside Down: Is Greece the new Paraguay? -- Rana Foroohar, Newsweek
Greek Loan Would Violate IMF Charter -- Swaminathan S. Anklesaria Aiyar, Forbes
Bailing out Greece: An extreme necessity -- The Economist
Israel must topple Assad in next conflict with Syria proxies -- Oded Tira, Haaretz
The secret China doesn't want the world to know -- S. Raphael, American Thinker
Is China heading for a rural revolt? -- David Frum, National Post
Ukraine and the great gas deal -- Amanda Paul, Today's Zaman
Japanese American heroes, bereft of bitterness -- George F. Will, Washington Post
Why Does Special Forces Train and Educate for Unconventional Warfare? -- Dave Maxwell, Small Wars Journal
The national debt and Washington's deficit of will -- Joel Achenbach, Washington Post