Will Israel Attack Iran? It's Been Asked Before -- L.A. Times
Will Israel attack Iran? The question is everywhere since Israeli journalist Ronen Bergman concluded in the New York Times Magazine: "After speaking with many senior Israeli leaders and chiefs of the military and the intelligence, I have come to believe that Israel will indeed strike Iran in 2012."
It's a very serious question, and not just for Israel and Iran. "Rarely if ever have the stakes been higher," Harvard fellow Chuck Freilich recently opined for the Los Angeles Times:
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Is Israel preparing to attack Iran? -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
Potential Iran Military Strike Timing Divides U.S., Israel -- Nicole Gaouette and Jonathan Ferziger, Bloomberg Businessweek
Finish Him: Without international intervention, there's a good chance that Syria's dictator, Bashar al-Assad, could still rule for years. -- Daniel Byman, Foreign Policy
Arab Spring or Islamist Winter? -- Michael Totten, World Affairs
Deadly Egyptian riots go beyond football -- James Montague, CNN
The Indian aid and jet scandals just prove we are governed by self-righteous idiots -- Abhijit Pandya, Daily Mail
A Leaner NATO Needs a Tighter Focus -- hans Binendijk, New York Times
War in Europe? Not so impossible -- Ovidiu Nahoi, Eurozine
Russian protests – echoes of US civil rights movement -- Leon Aron, Christian Science Monitor
Expect China to Shape the Next Bretton Woods Pact -- Philip Coggan, Bloomberg