Defense Cuts Could Threaten `Achilles' Heel' Of U.S. Power -- E. Thomas McClanahan, Kansas City/McClatchy Newspapers
The Japanese government recently issued a diplomatic white paper calling China "assertive" toward its neighbors. Despite the namby-pamby choice of words - China merely assertive? - Beijing pitched a fit.
It huffed its "strong opposition," reminded Tokyo yet again of Japanese aggression in World War II and accused Tokyo of furthering the "China threat theory," as if no such thing existed - even though China never misses an opportunity to rattle its neighbors' nerves.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Gaddafi great escape shows council's weak grip -- Julian Borger, Martin Chulov, Richard Norton-Taylor, Sydney Morning Herald
Why America Lost in Libya -- Rajan Menon, National Interest
Will they, won’t they ……. US Troops in Iraq -- Gavin Jones, Iraq Business News
Is Iran Cutting Assad Loose? -- Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary
Assad, Going Down -- Rami G. Khouri, New York Times
Bad, Bad Islamabad? -- Ronald Neumann, American Interest
The Long War's Long Tail -- J.M. Berger, Foreign Policy
The CIA’s Islamist Cover Up -- Ian Johnson, New York Review Of Books
Column: Why the EU, and euro, will survive -- R. Daniel Kelemen and Erik Jones, USA Today
Is the Greek bailout falling apart? -- Michael Schuman, Time