Preparing For Uncertainty On The Korean Peninsula -- Bonnie S. Glaser, China & U.S. Focus
Kim Jong-il’s sudden death has introduced a new element of uncertainty into the security dynamics in Northeast Asia. In recent years, quiet discussions have undoubtedly taken place in all of the region’s capitals, as well as in Washington DC, about the challenges that Kim’s passing might pose. Nevertheless, no country is well prepared for the power transition in North Korea. Moreover, suspicions among neighboring countries run deep and all are monitoring each other as closely as they are monitoring developments inside the hermit kingdom.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Obama preaches, dictators sneer -- Barry Rubin, Jerusalem Post
Obama’s Muddled Thinking on Afghanistan -- Max Boot, Commentary
The Next Russian Revolution? -- Robert Service, New York Times
Putin’s Children -- Bill Keller, New York Times
Time to clean up U.S. regime-change programs in Cuba -- Fulton Armstrong, Miami Herald
Is model Turkey sliding into authoritarianism? -- Alexander Christie-Miller, Christian Science Monitor
From Iraq’s guardian to its counselor -- David Ignatius
The desperate plight of Iraq's Assyrians and other minorities -- Mardean Isaac, The Guardian
Will Hizbullah Get Syria's WMD if Assad Goes Down? -- Dan Ephron, Daily Beast
Stop looking for the next al-Qaida -- Jason Burke, The Guardian
Can Japan, Russia Transform Asia? -- Gilbert Rozman, The Diplomat
Trade wars are a losing proposition: China needs to play by the rules -- Washington Times editorial
Don't Worry About China: World Bank Chief Economist -- Gordan G. Chang, Forbes