Greek Brinkmanship Could Destroy Europe -- Daily Mail
It is simply impossible to overstate the seriousness of the crisis unfolding in Greece. Only days after Europe’s leaders were triumphantly (and, as this paper pointed out, naively) proclaiming they’d solved all their problems, their rescue package for the euro lies in shambles.
For whatever the rights and wrongs of the Greek prime minister’s extraordinary move to call a referendum, the fact is that if his people reject the package, the knock-on effects on the rest of Europe will be nothing short of cataclysmic.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
How badly did Europe just bungle its best shot yet at avoiding economic catastrophe? -- Mohamed El-Erian, Foreign Policy
Analysis: Europe has few options over Greek vote -- Don Melvin, AP
Greek referendum ignites German anger -- Dina Kyriakidou And Harry Papachristou, Reuters
The Coming Euro Debt Hangover -- John Steele Gordon, American Thinker
Greek Exit From Euro Zone Just a 'Matter of Time' -- Spiegel Online
Let the voters put an end to Greece’s misery -- The Telegraph editorial
Kenya's blundering mission in Somalia -- Tendai Marima, Al Jazeera
With a Friend Like This -- Anatol Lieven, New York Times
Using the United Nations. The lopsided vote for Palestine's entry into UNESCO shows how isolated the U.S. and Israel are. -- L.A. Times editorial
Defeat in Iraq: President Obama’s d
The Coming Euro Debt Hangover -- John Steele Gordon, American Thinker
Greek Exit From Euro Zone Just a 'Matter of Time' -- Spiegel Online
Let the voters put an end to Greece’s misery -- The Telegraph editorial
Kenya's blundering mission in Somalia -- Tendai Marima, Al Jazeera
With a Friend Like This -- Anatol Lieven, New York Times
Using the United Nations. The lopsided vote for Palestine's entry into UNESCO shows how isolated the U.S. and Israel are. -- L.A. Times editorial
Defeat in Iraq: President Obama’s decision to withdraw U.S. troops is the mother of all disasters -- Frederick W. Kagan, Kimberly Kagan and Marisa Cochrane Sulliva, Weekly Standard
What to Expect from the New Saudi Crown Prince -- Bruce Riedel, National Interest
A Long List of Suckers -- Thomas Friedman, New York Times
How to Feed the Hungry, Faster -- Tina Rosenberg, New York Times
Greek Exit From Euro Zone Just a 'Matter of Time' -- Spiegel Online
Let the voters put an end to Greece’s misery -- The Telegraph editorial
Kenya's blundering mission in Somalia -- Tendai Marima, Al Jazeera
With a Friend Like This -- Anatol Lieven, New York Times
Using the United Nations. The lopsided vote for Palestine's entry into UNESCO shows how isolated the U.S. and Israel are. -- L.A. Times editorial
Defeat in Iraq: President Obama’s decision to withdraw U.S. troops is the mother of all disasters -- Frederick W. Kagan, Kimberly Kagan and Marisa Cochrane Sulliva, Weekly Standard
What to Expect from the New Saudi Crown Prince -- Bruce Riedel, National Interest
A Long List of Suckers -- Thomas Friedman, New York Times
How to Feed the Hungry, Faster -- Tina Rosenberg, New York Times