Q&A: What Options Are Left In Syria? -- CNN
(CNN) -- The violence drags on in Aleppo and Damascus, Kofi Annan resigns as U.N. special envoy and U.S. officials reveal that President Obama had signed a secret order allowing clandestine support.
What's next for the country mired in violence since March 2011, when President Bashar al-Assad's forces began cracking down on anti-government demonstrators?
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Collapse or decentralization for Syria? -- Rami G. Khouri, The Daily Star
The lessons of failure in Syria -- Washington Post editorial
Syria and the Bosnia Fallacy -- Nikolas K. Gvosdev, National Interest
Terra Incognita: All quiet in the Golan? -- Seth J. Frantzman, Jerusalem Post
Al Assad uses Kurds to fan regional tensions -- Patrick Seale, Special to Gulf News
Kofi Annan Resigns -- New York The Sun editorial
North Waziristan: The problem no one wants to talk about -- Chris Sands, Global Post
Pushing Seoul-Tokyo forward -- Ralph Cossa, Japan Times
Why Nationalism is Driving China and Japan Apart -- James Manicom, The Diplomat
Salami Slicing in the South China Sea -- Robert Haddick, Foreign Policy
Blackout nation: Power cuts in India show that a lack of reform is beginning to hurt ordinary people. -- The Economist
Keeping Sudan from becoming another Syria -- John Prendergast and Dave Eggers, Washington Post
Hugo Chavez: An uncounted enemy. Those who contend Venezuela is no threat are clueless -- Roger F. Noriega, Washington Times
Corn’s 60% Surge Is More Dangerous Than Euro Mess -- William Pesek Bloomberg
The Great Islamist Comeback -- Abe Greenwald, Commentary
It's Far from Safe to Say al-Qaeda Is Dead -- Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, Real Clear World