How Qaddafi Is Blackmailing Oil Markets -- Dan Murphy, Christian Science Monitor
Push me too far, and I’ll push global oil prices through the roof, seems to be the message of Col. Muammar Qaddafi as he launches the first strikes on Libya's oil assets.
After a month of avoiding damage to his nation's oil infrastructure, Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi's decision this week to drop bombs close to oil facilities – whose export revenue he clearly covets – appear to be something of a warning shot to foreign governments as much as the rebels themselves.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Does Hillary Clinton believe in American leadership? Washington outsources US policy on Libya to the UN -- Niles Gardiner, The Telegraph
Why Doesn't Obama Call for Democracy In Saudi Arabia? -- Mitchell Bard, FOX News
Saudi 'Day of Rage' a fizzle? -- Rick Moran, America Thinker
A Diplomatic Surge in Afghanistan? -- Elise Jordan, National Review
The Party's Over: China's Endgame -- Gordon G. Chang, World Affairs
Why It Won't Happen in China -- Peter Rutland and Orion Lewis, New York Times
A deathly silence grips Pakistan -- Gwynne Dyer, Japan Times
Oil and Unrest: What Uprising in the Arab World Means for Energy Supplies -- Edward L. Morse, Foreign Affairs
No-Rush Zone: Why Obama is taking his time deciding what to do about Libya. -- Fred Kaplan,Slate
Libya: what are the legal implications of intervention? -- Bruno Waterfield, the Telegraph
Outside View: 30 seconds over Tripoli -- Harlan Ullman, Space War/UPI
Fear and Fireworks: Getting to the Truth in Gaddafi's Libya -- Vivienne Walt, Time
Libya's Civil War: The Limits of People Power -- Andrew Lee Butters, Time
Who's in charge? The opposition must get a grip, fast -- The Economist
Why the US must not intervene in Libya -- Stephen Kinzer, The Guardian
In a do-or-die situation, where would Gadhafi go? -- Moni Basu, CNN
Barack Obama's Libya straitjacket -- Washington Post editorial
Libya’s Threat to World Economy Grows -- James Herron, Wall Street Journal
Analysis: France sees Libya as way to diplomatic redemption -- Reuters
An Arab awakening for Saudi Arabia? -- Robin Wigglesworth, Financial Times
Generational rage in the House of Saud -- Brian M Downing, Asia Times
Why Saudi Arabia is stable amid the Mideast unrest -- Nawaf Obaid, Washington Post
Analysts: Saudi Arabia Nervous About Domestic Discontent -- Voice of America