Have The U.S. And NATO Given Up On Libya Mess? -- Byron York, Washington Examiner
While Washington has been consumed by the battle of the budget, the people running the real war in Libya seem to have given up hope of using American and NATO firepower to drive Moammar Gadhafi from power.
"There is no military solution to this conflict," NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said this week. "We need a political solution, and it's up to the Libyan people to come up with one."
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
NATO's Last Mission? The military crisis in Libya highlights an existential crisis for NATO. -- Fred Kaplan, Slate
Arming Libya's Rebels: A Debate in Doha -- Charles McDermid, Time
False pretense for war in Libya? -- Alan J. Kuperman, Boston.com
Mideast unrest could boost Iran, but it faces upheaval at home -- Roshanak Taghavi, Christian Science Monitor
Will the Arab Spring bring a peace agreement with Israel? -- Washington Post editorial
The Palestinians’ mistake in seeking statehood from the U.N. -- Aaron David Miller, Washington Post
In S. Africa, song controversy reveals depth of racial rift today -- Savious Kwinika, Christian Science Monitor
Who is to blame for fractured Britain? -- Ruth Dudley Edwards, The Telegraph
Debt fuels Finn anger at European 'freeloaders' -- Christopher Caldwell, The Australian
The tormented isthmus: Big-time drug trafficking has arrived in Central America. Its poor, politically polarised countries must now try to cope -- The Economist
Safer alternative bears on dollar -- Barry Eichengreen, Japan Times
Who will save America from drowning in debt? -- Jeremy Warner, The Telegraph
A Prescription for American Decline -- Max Boot, Commentary