Syria Opposition Factions Balk at U.S.-Backed Unity Plan, But Keep Talking -- Tony Karon, Time
The clamor by Britain, France, Turkey and Arab powers for the U.S. to help provide more direct and even military support to Syria‘s rebellion only becomes a dilemma for the Obama Administration if the fractious Syrian opposition is united under a single leadership acceptable to the West. Without a credible address through which greater support could be channeled, it remains a non-starter—and some 20 months into a civil war that has claimed more than 20,000 lives, Syria’s opposition remains politically fragmented, while the armed insurgency is waged by scores of disparate and localized fighting groups.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
In the Syrian revolution, a victory over fear -- Dima Wannous, Washington Post
Will Obama Impose a Peace Plan On Israel? -- Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary
Obama and Israel -- Jerusalem Post editorial
North Korea's tyrant’s Leverage Wanes Without Cognac Pipeline -- William Pesek, Bloomberg
No Vote in China. A billion people disenfranchised. -- Ross Terrill, Weekly Standard
Before and After Hu: Is China Better Off Than It Was Ten Years Ago? -- Damien Ma, Foreign Affairs
Expose of Gangster Past Roils Japan Politics -- Todd Crowell, Real Clear World
Greece Drinks the Hemlock -- New York Times editorial
Greece’s debt burden. How to end the agony. -- The Economist
Unpalatable choices facing Ireland if Britain leaves EU -- Dan O'Brien, Irish Times
Second-term Obama will be held accountable for Libya disaster. ‘Everything that could go wrong in Benghazi did’. -- Washington Times
Barack Obama sounds a lot like Francois Hollande. Does he really want America to end up like France? -- Niles Gardiner, The Telegraph
The Edge of the Abyss. The default setting of American society is ever more liberal and statist. -- Mark Steyn, NRO