Impact Of Past Defense Cuts Should Warn Of Risks -- Max Boot, Washington Post
The prospect of an exit from Iraq and Afghanistan has sparked rumblings on Capitol Hill that it's time to cut the defense budget. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, says, "I'm pretty certain cuts are coming -- in defense and the whole budget." Defense Secretary Bob Gates is already pushing to cancel some big-ticket programs and to wring savings out of the existing budget.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Iran starts feeling heat -- Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post
Moscow's Foreign Policies -- Nikolas K. Gvosdev, National Interest
New START: Too modest to merit partisan bickering -- Robert Kagan, Washington Post
Colombia proves again that Venezuela is harboring FARC terrorists -- Washington post editorial
Israel's ruling class -- Caroline Glick,
Is al-Qaeda racist? -- Michael Mumisa, New Statesman
Chavez beats drums of war once again but threats aren't impressing anyone -- Jeremy McDermott, Scotsman
US Starting Asia Space Race? -- David Axe, The Diplomat
Biohazard: What the world doesn't know about germ warfare. -- David E. Hoffman, Foreign Policy
Breaking a Promise on Surveillance -- New York Times editorial
The End of Military History -- Andrew J. Bacevich, American Conservative