Can Petraeus Handle The CIA’s Skepticism On Afghanistan? -- Washington Post
When David Petraeus takes over as CIA director next week, he will confront a tricky problem: CIA analysts who will be working for him concluded in a recent assessment that the war in Afghanistan is heading toward a “stalemate” — a view with which Petraeus disagrees.
The analysts made their judgment in “District Assessment on Afghanistan,” completed in July, the same month Petraeus quit his post as U.S. commander there. He disagrees with the analysts’ pessimistic reading, as does Gen. John Allen, the new commander in Kabul; Gen. James Mattis, the Centcom commander; and Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Why Iran Eyes a Syrian Civil War -- Meir Javedanfar, The Diplomat
Libya could be the last place where the West is allowed to intervene -- Shashank Joshi, The Telegraph
A surprise victory in Libya -- National Post editorial
Saudi Arabia's Revolutionary Triage -- Bruce Riedel, The National Interest
Turkish-Israeli ties on brink of collapse -- Semih Idiz, Hurriyet Daily News
CIA Must Reshape the Middle East -- Max Boot, Commentary
Colombia's spreading scandal -- L.A. Times editorial
Why is China silent? -- Fyodor Lukyanov, Russia In Global Affairs
Keep Military Service Exceptional -- Michael Rubin, Commentary
Petraeus/McChrystal Afghan rules of engagement called 'beyond the pale, immoral' -- Andrew G. Bostom, American Thinker