Gates of hell ... Auschwitz entrance bearing the chilling Arbeit Macht Frei ('Work Makes You Free') slogan. The SUN
How Britain's Armed Forces Work To Prevent Genocide -- David Richards, The Telegraph
On Holocaust Memorial Day we should honour those who have suffered and died to ensure that the lessons of the 20th century are not forgotten, writes David Richards.
The pride I hold in leading the British Armed Forces is based largely on the values we hold and the standards to which we aspire. The Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Air Force have embedded, deep within their core, ideals of selfless commitment, courage, discipline, integrity, loyalty and respect for others. Each service expresses them differently but in each is that fire which keeps those who serve striving to do what is right and stop what is wrong.
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Syria’s crisis: It looks like civil war -- The Economist
Israel Senses Bluffing in Iran’s Threats of Retaliation -- Ethan Bronner, New York Times
Chinese Traders Poised to Profit From Iran Oil Embargo -- Gabe Collins and Andrew Erickson, Wall Street Journal
Why Beijing-Seoul Ties So Fraught -- Gilbert Rozman, The Diplomat
Five myths about China’s power -- Minxin Pei, Washington Post
Will There Be a Central Asian Spring? -- Joanna Lillis, Foreign Policy
Piracy and kidnapping in Somalia -- Tim Lister and Zain Verjee, CNN
Obama Team to Break Silence on al-Awlaki Killing -- Daniel Klaidman, The Daily Beast/Newsweek
In Honduras, a Mess Made in the U.S. -- Dana Frank, New York Times
Justice for Guatemala -- L.A. Times editorial
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Syria’s crisis: It looks like civil war -- The Economist
Israel Senses Bluffing in Iran’s Threats of Retaliation -- Ethan Bronner, New York Times
Chinese Traders Poised to Profit From Iran Oil Embargo -- Gabe Collins and Andrew Erickson, Wall Street Journal
Why Beijing-Seoul Ties So Fraught -- Gilbert Rozman, The Diplomat
Five myths about China’s power -- Minxin Pei, Washington Post
Will There Be a Central Asian Spring? -- Joanna Lillis, Foreign Policy
Piracy and kidnapping in Somalia -- Tim Lister and Zain Verjee, CNN
Obama Team to Break Silence on al-Awlaki Killing -- Daniel Klaidman, The Daily Beast/Newsweek
In Honduras, a Mess Made in the U.S. -- Dana Frank, New York Times
Justice for Guatemala -- L.A. Times editorial
Chinese Traders Poised to Profit From Iran Oil Embargo -- Gabe Collins and Andrew Erickson, Wall Street Journal
Why Beijing-Seoul Ties So Fraught -- Gilbert Rozman, The Diplomat
Five myths about China’s power -- Minxin Pei, Washington Post
Will There Be a Central Asian Spring? -- Joanna Lillis, Foreign Policy
Piracy and kidnapping in Somalia -- Tim Lister and Zain Verjee, CNN
Obama Team to Break Silence on al-Awlaki Killing -- Daniel Klaidman, The Daily Beast/Newsweek
In Honduras, a Mess Made in the U.S. -- Dana Frank, New York Times
Justice for Guatemala -- L.A. Times editorial
Prime Minister Harper unveils grand plan to reshape Canada -- Joe Friesen and Bill Curry
President Obama: ‘I make a mistake every hour, every day,’ but am learning on the job. -- Aliyah Shahid, New York Daily News
Should Americans Care About Apple’s iPhone-Factory Conditions? -- Sam Gustin, Time
What Is Facebook Worth? -- Joe Light, Wall Street Journal