Will Bam Lose Iraq? President's Weird 'Victory' Lap -- Ralph Peters
One president gave his premature "Mission Accomplished" speech about Iraq on the deck of an aircraft carrier. Now another has given his own version as part of a Chicago-ward-politics sales pitch to disabled veterans.
The difference is that the first guy was sincere.
President Obama's pork-barrel speech to the Disabled Veterans of America yesterday (if you want to help our vets, shut up and do it) would have drawn a blush from those Soviet propagandists who cropped purged Politburo members from Stalin-era photographs.
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Obama on Iraq -- Joe Klein, Time Magazine
Iraq's Troubling Ambiguities -- Anne Nivat, New York Times
Washington fiddles away as Pakistan burns in civil war -- Tony Karon, The National
China-Russia Border Poison -- Richard Weitz, The Diplomat
Cowering in Fear: Sudan's president has been charged with genocide—so why aren't African nations confronting him? -- Elizabeth Palchik Allen, New Republic
US intel bubble needs pin prick -- Philip Smucker, Kuwait Times
The difference is that the first guy was sincere.
President Obama's pork-barrel speech to the Disabled Veterans of America yesterday (if you want to help our vets, shut up and do it) would have drawn a blush from those Soviet propagandists who cropped purged Politburo members from Stalin-era photographs.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Obama on Iraq -- Joe Klein, Time Magazine
Iraq's Troubling Ambiguities -- Anne Nivat, New York Times
Washington fiddles away as Pakistan burns in civil war -- Tony Karon, The National
China-Russia Border Poison -- Richard Weitz, The Diplomat
Cowering in Fear: Sudan's president has been charged with genocide—so why aren't African nations confronting him? -- Elizabeth Palchik Allen, New Republic
US intel bubble needs pin prick -- Philip Smucker, Kuwait Times
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Obama on Iraq -- Joe Klein, Time Magazine
Iraq's Troubling Ambiguities -- Anne Nivat, New York Times
Washington fiddles away as Pakistan burns in civil war -- Tony Karon, The National
China-Russia Border Poison -- Richard Weitz, The Diplomat
Cowering in Fear: Sudan's president has been charged with genocide—so why aren't African nations confronting him? -- Elizabeth Palchik Allen, New Republic
US intel bubble needs pin prick -- Philip Smucker, Kuwait Times
The Taliban's Savagery: The documents released by WikiLeaks say much about the evil of our enemies. -- Thomas Joscelyn, Weekly Standard
Wiki espionage: Paying for spying with lives -- Tony Blankley, Washington Times
China's Real Estate Bubble Threatens to Burst -- Wieland Wagner, Spiegel Online