Perhaps this will present an opportunity to increase visibility for Oath Keepers, and to develop allies. But at the very least, the record will show that while the government and media have been universally painting a federal LEO as guilty, it was the "anti-government right wing gun extremists" doing the reminding that we need to consider his innocence until the burden of proof requirement has been satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt.I'm as surprised as anyone to find myself concerned about a federal LEO/FBI sniper, but this case just doesn't smell right. When I hear from a source that the US Attorney leaked the affidavit to the press, my antennae go up.
If we want that for ourselves, we must demand it for John Shipley. [More]
Here is today's Gun Rights Examiner column, which includes a link to the affidavit as well as information on this case the "Authorized Journalists" won't tell you about.
Also see the latest cuckolding of gun owners by Kirsten Gillibrand and hear her competitor in Constitutional sabotage use a word generally associated with racists.
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- Austin: Why do children need guns?
- Boston: Sotomayor: Unfit to serve
- Charlotte: Sotomayor: Where for art thou, NRA?
Check out the latest from other Gun Rights Examiners:
- Atlanta: You bet it's personal!
- Austin: Why do children need guns?
- Boston: Sotomayor: Unfit to serve
- Charlotte: Sotomayor: Where for art thou, NRA?
- Chicago: National right-to-carry reciprocity can't touch Chicago, but can it pass?
- Cleveland: National ccw reciprocity bill vote likely
- DC: Sotomayor: the abstract justice?
- Denver: Lessons from "bring your guns to church day"
- Los Angeles: On Sotomayor: The Judiciary Committee needs to get it, too.
- Minneapolis: Lies, damn lies, and VPC statistics
- Seattle: Outrage over national concealed carry misplaced while Seattle looks for a killer
- St. Louis: The Brady Campaign to create 'gun crime'
- Wisconsin: Party like it was 1773