Cheney: Obama Team Should Be Debriefing CIA Interrogators, Not Investigating Them -- FOX News
Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Friday the Obama administration should be debriefing CIA interrogators about keeping the country safe rather than trying to punish them for doing their jobs.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney on Friday said the Obama administration should be debriefing CIA interrogators about keeping the country safe rather than trying to punish them for doing their jobs.
In an exclusive interview taped to air this weekend on "FOX News Sunday," Cheney called the Justice Department probe of interrogators an "outrageous political act" that will do long-term damage to the United States' capacity to protect the country.
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My Comment: Considering the fact that the U.S. has not been hit with a major terrorist attack since 9/11 .... but many other countries have .... gives me pause that maybe the CIA/NSA/Homeland Security are dong a good job.
But we are also a nation of rules and laws, and the means to interrogate prisoners must follow strict guidelines and procedures. Vice President Cheney would do great service in supporting his point of view if he reiterates this point continuously.
To the men and women who do/did follow the rules .... they deserve medals. To those who went rogue .... there are consequences.
As for the Obama Administration ... they must also reiterate this point. To those who followed their orders and procedures diligently ... medals. To those who went rogue .... consequences. This is my "beef" with President Obama's administration on this issue .... they have not been reiterating this point at all. As a consequence, the entire CIA is now "under the gun" .... and there will be consequences for all of us some time down the road.