From Time Magazine:
Despite strenuous entreaties by top U.S. officials, Pakistan has abandoned plans to mount a military offensive against the terrorist group responsible for a two-year campaign of suicide bombings across the country. Although the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), has been in disarray since an Aug. 5 missile strike from a CIA-operated drone killed its leader, Baitullah Mehsud, the Pakistani military has concluded that a ground attack on its strongholds in South Waziristan would be too difficult.
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My Comment: This is not a surprise. The Pakistani Government never had any desire to reassert their control in the tribal regions .... this is just their official announcement stating what everyone already knows.
The consequences for Pakistan are now very dire. This refusal to face the enemy will only mean the enemy will now take the time to reorganize and prepare themselves for more fighting in a year or two. In the interim, the war in Afghanistan will now intensify and more body bags will be coming back to the U.S.