Is That a Russian Sub Lurking Off the Jersey Shore? -- Chicago NBC
What appears at first blush to be a pretty good photo of a surfer enjoying the waves off the Jersey Shore may upon closer scrutiny reveal a Russian nuclear sub trolling the waters off America's eastern seaboard.
NBC Philadelphia reader Andrew Ferguson, identified as CARDRAFPHOTO on the site, posted the shocking photo to on Wednesday of a surfer with something ominous on the horizon.
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My Comment: I am 99.999% sure that this is not a picture of a Russian sub. But I will concede a 0.001% chance that it may actually be a Russian sub .... what the heck .... a little mystery is always good for the soul.
This story reminds me of the movie .... The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming. As a young boy growing up in Montreal, I was always needled about my Russian background. This was the first movie that I saw that actually gave a more "human" view of what Russians are.
Russian sub off the new Jersey coast .... hmmmm .....
Hat Tip: New Wars