Analysis: Barack Obama's Missile Shield Decision Will Be Cheered In Russia -- The Telegraph
The Kremlin will allow itself a wry smile today. Reports that Barack Obama has scrapped plans for a missile defence shield in Eastern Europe are music to its ears.
Tomorrow's Russian newspapers are therefore likely to be triumphalist in tone. "See, we were right to give the Americans a hard time on this" will be the line.
The climb-down undoubtedly does represent a significant strategic victory for the Kremlin. It also gives substance to Washington's so far woolly "reset" of relations with Russia, and will go a long way to soothe wounded Russian egos
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Thaws and Tensions in Missile Defence -- Simon Tisdall, The Guardian
The Afghanistan Problem: Why Are We in Helmand? -- Joe Klein, Time Magazine
UN Turns Blind Eye to Afghan Election Fraud -- Boston Globe, editorial
The Uneasy Rivalry Between Al-Qaida and Hezbollah -- Frida Ghitis, World Politics Review
Justice in Gaza -- Richard Goldstein, New York Times
UN must hold Obama to same standard as Israel -- Ari Shavit, Haaretz
Reevaluating Obama’s North Korean Policy -- Joshua Stanton, New Ledger
Angela Merkel's Quiet Revolution -- Alan Posener, The Guardian
First Strike in a U.S.-China Trade War? -- David Broder, Washington Post
Memories are made of Mao -- Francesco Sisci, Asia Times
Black Hawk’s Shadow: Why we don't care about Somalia anymore. -- Jason McLure, Newsweek