(Reuters) - U.S. arms manufacturers are capitalizing on fears of war with Iran to sell more weapons to Saudi Arabia and other nervous Gulf Arab neighbors of the Islamic republic.
U.S. plans unveiled this week to sell Saudi Arabia up to $60 billion in aircraft, helicopters and other arms could lead to the six Gulf Arab states spending as much as $100 billion in the next few years to overhaul their armed forces, analysts say.
European arms suppliers, less well established in the region, are likely to miss out on what promises to be a massive regional rearmament program, the analysts say.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Saudi Arms Sale: Which War in View? -- J. E. Dyer, Commentary Magazine
Karzai's cronies make Afghan election a farce -- Jason Thomas, the Age
Iran frees American Sarah Shourd -- after a power struggle -- Washington Post editorial
Iraq: Finding a Victory -- Gene C. Kamena, Small Wars Journal
THE IRANIAN ECONOMY, Part I: Iran's slide to the bottom -- Hossein Askari, Asia Times
America's New Terrorist Networks -- Tony Blankley, Townhall
Second opinion needed on Shariah: Our political establishment wears blinders and ignores the threat -- R. James Woolsey, Andrew C. McCarthy and Harry E. Soyster, The Washington Times
An inconvenient truth about OPEC -- Anas F. Alhajji, European Voices
Letter from Mexico: In no mood for a fiesta -- William Booth, Washington Post
Obama is losing U.S. troops’ hearts and minds -- Dennis W. Bartow II, The Daily Caller