at the G-20 summit in Pittsburgh. Photo AFP
G-20 Relaunched as World's Top Forum -- Gregor Peter Schmitz, Spiegel Online
The winner of the Pittsburgh summit is already clear -- the G-20 itself. In the future the leading industrial nations want to meet with the most important emerging economies on a regular basis. The G-8 format appears to be history.
Pittsburgh, a city built on steel production, is showing its tough side as it hosts the G-20 summit. The 4,000 police officers eye anyone walking past the city center's cordoned-off streets with distrust. Military vehicles block the city's many prominent bridges, while security forces quickly use tear gas on the handful of demonstrators who are protesting for more action on climate change and against capitalism.
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Pittsburgh’s White Elephant Is Protectionism -- Konstantin Sonin, Moscow Times
Four Keys to Unlock Global Puzzle -- Philip Stephens, Financial Times
At the U.N., Terrorism Pays -- Ehud Barak, Wall Street Journal
Two First Steps on Nuclear Weapons -- Mikhail Gorbachev, IHT
Obama's Deal Won't Stop Iran's Nukes -- Con Coughlin, Daily Telegraph
Iran Spinning Out of Control -- The Guardian editorial
Why Karzai May Be Obama's Best Bet in Afghanistan -- Tim McGirk, Time
China's two-sided 'miracle' should warn the ebullient -- David Howell, Japan Times
The World According to Gaddafi -- Thalif Deen, Asia Times
Fundamentally Freund: He's no Mahatma Obama -- By Michael Freud, Jerusalem Post