Intelligence Chief Reveals Obscure Budget Figure -- Washington Independent
To add some clarity and context to Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair’s disclosure this morning that the U.S. intelligence budget is $75 billion, it’s helpful to distinguish between two budget lines: the national intelligence program and the military intelligence program, with their inevitable NIP and MIP acronyms. Congress ordered recently that the NIP, but not the MIP, must be disclosed publicly, and that’s how we know that the U.S. spent $43.5 billion in 2007 and $47.5 billion in 2008 on the NIP, excluding intelligence support to military activities.
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Update #1: You’re Spending $75 Billion on Intelligence, America -- Attackerman
Update #2: Obama Intel Chief Reveals Intel Budget Is $75 Billion -- Washington Independent
Update #3: US Government Slightly Less Secret -- News Room America