It is tempting to be extremely sympathetic to President Obama for the multiple crises he faces - none of them of his own creation. Just to name three of his burdens: know-nothing opposition to healthcare reform from a disturbing, yet thankfully small, faction of the American population and Republican politicians in Washington; unapologetic recalcitrance from Wall Street; and his own commander in Afghanistan upping the ante for his pledge to fight the lost conflict there. Why pile on with an attack that Obama is failing to face off against the porkers in Congress now larding up the defense budget?
The multiple crises should not be seen as separate or unconnected. Each one is brought to us, and President Obama, by a broken political system in Washington that can find value only in selfishness, misinformation and instant gratification. To have the spine to face off against one is the spine to stand up against all. Washington is watching closely to see if it faces an opponent or a patsy.
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My Comment: I usually disagree with much of what The Center For Defense Information advocates .... but on this issue of pork they are absolutely right.