A jury in Prince George's County on Monday awarded $261,000 to a woman who said she was pepper-sprayed and punched by sheriff's deputies after they forced their way into her Greenbelt apartment to serve an arrest warrant on a man who was not there. [More]I love how the "Only Ones" always charge the victims of their brutality with "assaulting a police officer."
I think if I were on a jury, I might be inclined not to believe it just based on an anecdotal preponderance of evidence...
But here's the real central point of this story:
The jury determined that the two deputies violated Kimberly Jones's constitutional rights, even though they followed sheriff's department protocol...The sheriff's department's training and procedures are such that if you follow them, you will violate the rights of citizens."Again with "protocol." If it's officially sanctioned, but against the supreme law of the land, that is, illegal, doesn't that make it a conspiracy to deny a citizen their rights under color of authority?
[Via Harvey]