Bakwa in southwestern Afghanistan. Getty Images
From The Wall Street Journal:
A poll earlier this year showed Taliban support at 6%.
The national mood on the Afghanistan war has soured fast, and it's not hard to see why. American combat deaths have exceeded 100 for the summer, the recent Afghan election was tainted by accusations of intimidation and fraud, and Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen says the security environment there is "deteriorating."
Meanwhile, congressional leaders worry about the war's impact on the health-care debate and the Obama presidency more generally. Antiwar groups are starting to talk about "another Vietnam." Opposition is mounting to the current policy—to say nothing of possible requests for additional troops from the U.S. commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley McChrystal.
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My Comment: Regular readers of this blog know that I am very "pessimistic" with our strategy in Afghanistan. But for some "hope" always springs eternal .... the above commentary from the Wall Street Journal is my contribution to this "hope".